We have recently made the pages for each of the 30 major communities more interactive, and incorporated “featured business” listings to the major city pages.
On TransCanadaHighway.com, we added features for accommodations (hotels, motels, campgrounds, and long-term accommodation), and travel & attractions businesses (including festivals, attractions, museums, historical sites, travel agents, etc). Five random businesses are displayed in each category, with links to their listings and websites.
On MovingInCanada.com, the cities now feature home builders, realtors, mortgage professionals, and movers. Five businesses are displayed randomly for each category, with links to their listings and websites. We also featured five neighborhoods or communities in each major real estate market.
This adds additional value to business listings in the FoundLocally.com dirctory in those categories.
Short Cuts for Provinces
On both MovingInCanada.com and TransCanadaHighway.com, we have added provincial and city shortcuts:
Use the two-letter provincial codes after the domain name (three letters okay for PEI and NWT) ended with a slash to go to that province’s home page
type “MovingInCanada.com/nwt/” goes to http://movingincanada.com/NorthwestTerritories/
Type”TransCanadaHighway.com/sk/” goes to http://transcanadahighway.com/Saskatchewan/
NOTE: for those who have bookmarked any of our provincial home pages, we have recently changed these from .htm pages to .asp pages, and no file name is needed for that province’s directory home page. Please update your bookmarks to avoid a redirect.
Short Cuts for Cities
For cities, just type the city names after the domain name (ending slash not required), to go to that major city’s page
Type MovingInCanada.com/Regina to go to http://movingincanada.com/Saskatchewan/Regina.asp
Type TransCanadaHighway.com/vancouver to go to http://transcanadahighway.com/BritishColumbia/Vancouver.asp
Some cities have even short short-codes, like “TO” for Toronto, “Miss” for Mississauga, “sault” for Sault Ste Marie (ON)., “Char” for Charlottetown (PEI), and “Fred” for Fredericton (NB)
Van” for Vncouver
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